Wednesday 18 May 2011

How to Be Prepared for Your Final Exam ?!

  • 1
    Get as much sleep as possible the night before the exam. You need to be rejuvenated and your mind to be renewed, and that won't happen if you are tired. While you're cramming for the exam, your mind is forced to study and take in so much that it literally becomes exhausted. If you don't rest your mind, then there is no energy left for it to access all the data you crammed in it. It's there but it's too tired to think. So, you need to rest your mind so that it can have the energy to access everything you put in it.

  • 2
    Get up early enough in the day so that you can do all that you need to do without being rushed or put under stress. Allow enough time to shower and dress and eat and even walk around the block to get your adrenalin running.

  • 3
    Eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Fruit is a great food to wake your mind up with. So, have a nice juicy fruit and some toast, eggs and some milk to start your day off right.

  • 4
    Make sure you take all your books and supplies to the exam. You don't want to create stress by having your only pen run out of ink part way through the exam. So, take enough supplies to allow for that.

  • 5
    Leave for the exam with enough time to allow for heavy traffic or poor weather. Don't put yourself under stress with the necessity to rush.

  • 6
    Get to the exam ahead of time so that you can review your notes or ask your mentors questions. Your mind will be alert and able to comprehend the answers and you will walk into the exam prepared to write it.
  • Tuesday 17 May 2011

    How to Be Fresh and Original?!

    Are you tired of feeling boring and uninteresting when you go to school everyday? What should you do? Here is an article that will tell you how to be fresh and original.

    Smile. It's an old trick, but smiling really does help! Learn how to smile. Practice a cute grin or cool smirk. Practice in front of the mirror for a few minutes. Get to know the smile that fits you best.

    Be Hygienic. Hygiene is very important in making yourself 'fresh'. Be sure to wash your face, comb your hair, etc.

    Be calm. Being calm helps bring your best self. On the outside, don't yell, or scream, or wave wildly at a best friend. Keep cool, and show off your flirty winks once a while, but otherwise, an almost indifferent expression will work. Stress will also be reduced when you're calm and help your skin look smoother.

    Try homemade facials. Homemade facials like avocado facials, yogurt facial, and more can really rejuvenate the skin without harmful chemicals

    Avoid wearing makeup. This step is important to look original. Keep makeup to a minimum, so as to show your natural beauty.

    Don't wear too many accessories. Wearing too many accessories can make people think that you're not original. That you're the expensive type. That you like to wear as much jewelery as you can. If you want to be original it is key that you don't wear a lot of jewelry. It is ok to wear earrings and maybe a necklace depending on what it is.

    Look the part. It is key that you look like you belong wherever you are. Look original, and try not to look like a posh snob. Try not to look tarty. You can look a bit different to some people but not too different like wearing high-florescent colours and leg warmers.